The employee summary page shows a columnar view of employee wise salary details for the current pay run such as gross salary, paid days, deduction, taxes, benefits & allowances, reimbursement, and the net salary payable.
You can also manage the employee’s salary process from the summary page, and they are listed below. The edit option is available on the right corner for each employee to manage his or her pay run.
Withhold salary #
If you wish to stop processing the salary for any employee(s) you may use this option to hold their salary until further approval. With this option, the salary of the rest of the employees can be processed except for the withheld employee(s).
Release withheld salary #
If you have withheld the salary for the previous pay runs of any employee(s), even if it is more than one pay run, you may release the entire withheld salaries in one go or you can choose any of them to release and process the payment along with the current pay run in this “Release withheld salary” option.
Skip from this pay run #
If you wish to exclude an employee, you may skip his/her payroll calculation by clicking this option.
Terminate employee #
If you wish to terminate an employee from the company, you can use this option to enter their termination details and initiate the termination process.
Edit attendance #
If you would like to edit the attendance and the no of days salary payable you can do so by clicking this option.
View TDS sheet #
If you want to view the tax calculation and the TDS amount for this employee, you can click on this option.