You can update your Organisation’s details under Settings > Accounts settings > Company profile.
General details
By default, the data you provided during the account creation will be displayed on the company name, account owner’s first name, last name, email address and domain URL.
- You can modify your Company name if necessary.
- Enter the short description
- Select the Business type of your company.
- If you want to update the Account owner’s first name, last name and email address, you have to navigate to Employees > Click on Edit for the employee you want to modify, and you can do the modifications there.
Note: You cannot modify the domain URL, account status and account created date.
How to upload the company’s logo?
You can view your company logo at the top of your OfficePortal account, payslip and TDS.
- Click on the image icon; the “Edit logo” dialog box will appear.
- Click on the “Add Photo” button & choose your company’s logo from your computer.
- Hit “Save” to add the logo
Note: You can also modify or remove the company’s logo anytime by clicking on the “Change Photo” or “Delete” button on the “Edit logo” dialog box.
Subscription details
The subscription page displays the information about your subscribed plan, such as the plan type, billing type, pricing details, total number of licenses, subscription end date, etc. So, You cannot modify any of your subscription details.
If you want to change the plan type of your OfficePortal or any detail, kindly contact our support team( The support team can transform the subscription details.
Address details
You can enter your Organisation’s address, city, county or state, country, postal code, phone number, fax number and timezone, which needs to be displayed on the payslips and TDS.